Investment Help Campaign

Campaign Overview
When it comes to saving for retirement, lifestyle, financial situation, and risk tolerance can change over time. Which is why it is important for your employees to review their investment strategy on an annual basis to ensure their approach still aligns with their priorities.
Your employees will have all the support they need with access to Fidelity’s live team of investment professionals and online planning resources to help them feel reassured and more confident in choosing an investment strategy to help reach their retirement goal.
Campaign Details
Our goal: Reinforce why your employees should review their retirement savings on an annual basis and provide them with the resources to make smart decisions regarding their investment approach.
Who’s included: All active and term participants in plans that offer Fidelity’s managed account service.
How we’ll communicate: This multi-channel campaign includes an email and NetBenefits® mobile in-app messaging.
When: Week of March 24